3 Financial Tools to Make Your Life Easier

Our 3 Recommendations for Financial Tools to Make Your Life Easier

When it comes to finances, we have it a lot easier these days than our parents did. See, technology and apps and Instagram accounts have made financial health a ton more attainable — and when financial health is more attainable it’s more sustainable, too! While there are a ton of financial tools you can use (and it’s all about what works for you), there are 3 big ones that we’d recommend to absolutely everyone… and they’re more simple than you think. 

You ready? Let’s go.

  1. Your bank app.

Okay, so this may seem like a “duh!” kind of moment, but we’re serious here… your bank app is an incredibly valuable tool to keep track of your finances. We’re long, long past the days where you had to check with a bank teller or a clunky website to check your bank account balance, and your bank app likely has additional features that make it remarkably helpful. From giving you your credit score to rounding up your spare change for savings, you might be surprised at what your bank app can do. Plus, there’s nothing better than a daily check-in on your finances — enter: your bank app!

  1. A budgeting tool or app.

We talk often around here about the importance of a budget, and for good reason. A great budget can be the #1 tool to use to transform your financial life and track your spending, and a budgeting tool can make things way easier than scrambling to write things down on a piece of paper. Whether it’s an Excel spreadsheet you like (there are tons all over the internet!) or an app like Mint or Copilot, spend some time plugging in your budget and looking for a tool that works for you. It’s just like magic, we promise!

  1. A calendar.

Do you ever get confused (or surprised) by automatic payments or bill due dates? We get it — which is why we’re big proponents of entering all of your financial due dates and important dates into a Google Calendar. Whether it’s reminding yourself of your rent due date or setting yourself an event to transfer money into savings, consider taking the time to do this! It’s amazing how much being financially organized can lower your stress — and when your financial stress is lower, your rewards are usually greater.

At CIFS, we’re here to help you create a more healthy — and equitable — financial life through resources and tools that put you first. Follow along here.

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Council for Inclusion in Financial Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to increase awareness within the financial services industry of the social and economic benefits of multiculturalism in employment and supplier utilization, while also launching initiatives that promote financial literacy to help all Americans understand how to grow their personal wealth.

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